Hello lovelies,
Welcome to my little corner of blogland. I am here to just give the everyday gal a few ideas that will hopefully make your day's easier, more organized as I aim to be more organized myself. I big puffy marshmallow covered chocolate **heart** organization; when I achieve it. I think I am pretty good at it; when I am motivated. Motivation always being the uphill challenge in my life.
My first topic is: PLAN IT!
That's right. Nothing really great ever happens in my day or life without it first being planned. Great vacation; planned. Great meal; planned. Great lunch with my girlfriends; planned. Great party; planned. Great Family Home Evening; again, Planned!
Don't get me wrong, sometimes Wondernous (don't you just love blog land where all of us get to make up cool new words) can happen on its own but in my experience its rare.
So here is my tip:
EVERYDAY-- sit down for 2-10min and jot down on your iPad, iCal, Smartphone, calendar or just and old fashioned piece of paper and PLAN your day.
ONCE A WEEK-- sit down and roughly plan out what appointments you have for the upcoming week.
Have your partner join you as you PLAN the week. Working together for common goals is warm fuzzies !! Then make a side note of 3-5 things you would like to get done that week but can occur on any day you have the time to do it.
If you have kiddos, sit them down with your spouse and plan the week. I CANNOT stress enough how learning to PLAN will bless their lives later.
ONCE A MONTH-- Review the past month. How did it go? Were you able to accomplish what you wanted? How can you make better use of your time? Is your life overmaxed? What can you get rid of? Discuss this with your family at your weekly meeting. (Give your Family a cool name when you meet once a week like, "Executive members of Smith Inc." make everyone feel important and welcome at your meeting.)
This is just for your everyday how to run the corporation of your life. You basically are the CEO of the home and you need all the tools to help it run efficiently. We will discuss long term goals at a later date.
If you add this simple routine to your life I PROMISE you will have more family harmony and feel SO much more accomplished.
Take Care,
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